Chief of Police Robert Thompson is responsible for developing policy for the overall mission of the Department. His primary responsibility is setting the vision, organizational tone, and fiscal management for the organization.
Operations Commander Captain Thomas Cordova’s primary responsibility is to provide general management, direction, and control for the Operations Division. The Operations Division consists of the patrol bureau, jail operations, community service officers, and support for all other police operations.
Renee Protich is the Police Records Supervisor, supervising the Records Section, and the Custodian of Records for the Police Department.
We always want to know what we’re doing right, and what we can do better. Feedback from the community is essential to the health and direction of any organization. We are working on ways to make letting us know how we’re doing easier for you. While we work on that, please see below for ways to provide feedback.
If you wish to commend the action of any Dixon Police Department employee, you can:
We want to know when we get it right, and hearing from you is the best way to know it.
We also want to know when you had an experience which wasn’t to your expectations. You can contact us regarding an employee or departmental conduct you have concerns about by:
We take all concerns seriously, and will promptly address any we receive.
Check out the year-end reports for the Police Department.